Access Period to the Proposed NEW Agreement for MCLS (AUST) PTY LTD / CFMEU SOUTH AUSTRALIA ENTERPRISE AGREEMENT 2023 & Voting Date
Please find below the link to the proposed NEW EBA for Employees employed by the Company in the classifications set out in Appendix 1 in South Australia and incorporated materials that the new EBA refers to. You now have 7 days to review these documents before the vote which will be on Thursday 25th November 2023 between 9am to 4pm via text message link. The voting link will be sent out the afternoon prior.
Access Period
Is part of the EA voting process. The access period for a proposed EA is 7 clear calendar day period, ending immediately before the start of the voting process to approve the proposed enterprise agreement. Employees must be given a copy of the proposed enterprise agreement.
Voting Process
The voting process described in S181(1) of the Fair Work Act (FWA) is the process that is characterised by an employer that will be covered by a proposed EA, requesting that the employees employed at the time who will be covered by the agreement to approve the agreement by voting for it. The request is made by the employer for the employees to approve the EA by voting for it .
An agreement may only be approved through a vote of employees employed at the time of the vote who will be covered by the agreement.
Explanation of Agreement
The purpose of the explanation is to enable the employees to cast an informed vote, so that they know what it is they are being asked to agree to, and to help them to understand how their terms and conditions of employment might be affected if the vote in favor of the agreement.
When the agreement is made
The date the agreement is made is when the majority of the relevant employees vote to approve the agreement.
Once the agreement has been approved by the majority of relevant employees employed at the time of the vote, who will be covered by the agreement. This is when the agreement is officially made. This is very important because the application for approval of the EA by the Fair Work Commission must be made within 14 days of this date.
Time and Method of Vote
Voting on the proposed agreement will commence on Thursday 23rd November 9am, and will close at 4pm on the same day. The access period will run from 4pm Wednesday 15th November to 9am Thursday 23rd November. The method of voting will be by electronic means.
Information Briefing
On Tuesday 21st of November 2023 at 4pm, an information briefing will take place at the CFMEU office located at 1/32 South Terrice, Adelaide, SA, 5000.
This is an opportunity for employee to attend and ask questions that they may have.
- Explanation Memo regarding the changes to the EA
- Agreement Explanation Document
- Proposed NEW Agreement (MCLS (Aust) Pty Ltd / CFMEU South Australia Enterprise Agreement 2023)
- Previous Agreement (MCLS (Aust) Pty Ltd / CFMEU South Australia Enterprise Agreement 2021)
- Current Modern Award (Building and Construction General On-site Award 2020
- National Employment Standards (NES)
Should you have any questions, please speak with your representative.
Thank you, MC Labour