The Victorian Government has announced that construction workers across Victoria will need to show evidence to their employer that they have had a first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by 11.59pm on Thursday 23 September. Below are some frequently asked questions regarding mandatory vaccinations for construction workers in Victoria and instructions on how to access your vaccination records.
If you have any further questions regarding the recent vaccination mandate, please contact the MC Labour Operations team on (03) 9661 0500.
What are the mandatory vaccination requirements for the construction industry and when do they start?
All workers entering a construction site from Friday 24 September 2021 must have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine or has made a booking to receive a dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by Saturday 2 October 2021.
This obligation applies to the construction sector and covers anyone who attends a construction site including:
- all construction workers
- subcontractors
- WorkSafe, Victorian Building Authority (VBA) or others who attend for the purposes of Occupational Health and Safety, or other compliance and enforcement activities; and
- building owners and delivery workers who attend on site.
- This obligation is not intended to cover: offsite construction industry office workers who do not work on construction sites or transient workers such as delivery drivers (that do not need to leave their vehicle and step onsite) are not captured.
Do I need to get vaccinated in order to continue working?
Yes. Before we can send you out on-site, you will have to, at minimum, provide evidence showing that you have:
- received at least your first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, or
- proof of vaccine appointment to receive your first dose by Saturday 2 October, or
- an exemption evidenced by an authorised medical practitioner.
It is the requirement of the industry and host employer to meet the above requirements when construction sites reopen. The MC Labour Operations staff will contact you to obtain your COVID-19 vaccination status prior to attending site.
To read more about COVID-19 mandatory vaccinations click here: DHHS COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination Directions (No 3)
If I was on a job before the shutdown, can I continue working on that job?
All existing construction projects in Victoria operating before the shutdown will now require your vaccination records to re-enter the site. In order for us to send you back to the same project, we must have your vaccination record on file.
Who in the construction industry needs a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination?
The mandatory vaccination requirement applies to every person performing work at a construction site. This includes volunteers. Construction industry workers who do not work onsite are not subject to mandatory vaccination requirements. For example, an office worker based 100 per cent of their time in head office does not need a mandatory vaccine, even though they may come into contact with construction workers who attend construction sites. Similarly, transient workers such as delivery drivers (that do not need to leave their vehicle and step onsite) are not captured.
Can I start work if I have only had my first vaccination dose?
Yes. From Friday 24 September 2021, if you have you have had your first COVID-19 vaccination or have had your first vaccination booked in before Saturday 2 October 2021, you can enter a construction site.
If you do not have a vaccination appointment booked before Saturday 2 October 2021 you will not be permitted to enter a construction site.
Are construction workers on Fully Exempt State Critical Infrastructure Project excepted from the vaccination requirements?
No. Construction workers on Fully Exempt State Critical Infrastructure Project are subject to the same vaccination requirements as construction workers across the entire industry.
I have been vaccinated but don’t want to share my records with my employer, MC Labour
MC Labour has and will continue to ensure the highest security of your personal information. If you do not want to send in your vaccination records, simply advise us that you do not want to send your records.
Please note: Without evidence of your vaccination record we will not be able to place you on any jobs within Victoria as per Government guidelines.
What if I don’t want to get vaccinated?
When you are requested to provide your vaccination records by the MC Labour Operations team, simply advise us that you do not want to get vaccinated.
Please note: Without evidence of your vaccination record we will not be able to place you on any jobs within the construction sector in Victoria as per Government guidelines.
What are the options for construction workers who have been unable to secure a COVID-19 vaccination booking?
For any questions regarding available vaccinations call the Coronavirus hotline on 1800 675 398.
How to get your Covid-19 Vaccine Records
Proof of Covid-19 vaccination includes:
- Immunisation History Record which records first dose and second dose
- Covid-19 Digital Certificate, which can only be obtained once both doses have been received.
You can access your online immunisation records via:
MyGov –
- Follow prompts to your linked online Medicare account.
- Download your Immunisation History Record or Covid-19 Digital Certificate
Express Plus Medicare Mobile App
- Click on Immunisation History
- Open your Immunisation History Record or Covid-19 Digital Certificate.
- If you wish to add your certificate to your Digital Wallet for quicker access, select either Add to Apple Wallet or Save to phone for Google Pay.
I don’t have a Medicare card – where can I find my proof of vaccination?
- If you don’t have a Medicare card, and don’t receive a DVA pension or benefit, you’ll need to get an Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI) before you can get proof of vaccination online.
- You can request an IHI via your MyGov account. You will need either an Australia password with valid Visa or an Australia Driver’s Licence.
- Once you have your IHI, you can get your COVID-19 digital certificate or immunisation history statement through the Individual Healthcare Identifier service in myGov.
How do I download the Express Plus Medicare Mobile App?
- Go to the Apple App or Google Play stores and download the Express Plus Medicare App to your device
- Login to the App with your MyGov username and password.
I don’t have a MyGov account, how I do set this up?
- Go to and click on Create a MyGov Account
- Agree to the Terms of Service
- Enter an email address, and enter the verification code sent to that email
- Enter a mobile number, and enter the verification code sent to that mobile
- Create a password
- Create 3 secret questions (for verification if you lose your password)
- Click ‘continue to MyGov’ to link your Medicare account (or other government services such as Centrelink and ATO account)
For more information on setting up a MyGov account, check out the video below:
How do I link my Medicare account to MyGov?
- Open your MyGov account and click on ‘Link your first service’
- Select Medicare from the list of services
- Follow the prompts to enter your Medicare details (including your Medicare card number, and individual reference number
- Follow the prompts to validate/verify your personal information.
For more information on linking Medicare to your MyGov accounts using your Medicare card check out the video below:
How do I access my immunisation records on MyGov?
You can get your immunisation history statement using your Medicare online account through myGov. For more information on accessing your immunisation records, check out the video below:
I’ve received my vaccination, why isn’t it showing on my Immunisation Record History?
- It can take a few days for new vaccinations to appear on your immunisation history statement. If you have received one or both of your COVID-19 vaccinations and it is not appearing on your statement, please check again in a few days.
- If they are still not appearing after a few days and your vaccination provider has sent the details to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR), call the Australian Immunisation Register general enquiries line on 1800 653 809 (Monday to Friday 8 am to 5 pm).
I need more help accessing my vaccination records
For further assistance, contact the MC Labour Operations team on (03) 9661 0500. or get more information and help here:
- Victorian Department of Health :
- Worksafe:
- Victoria’s Covid-19 Road Map:
- Construction Sector Guidance:
If you have any further questions regarding vaccinations, please contact the MC Labour Operations team on (03) 9661 0500.