Doing our part for Earth Day everyday
MC Labour Services took another step towards becoming a more socially aware organisation by obtaining Environmental ISO 14001 accreditation. Beginning the process mid 2016, an audit and GAP analysis was completed to identify areas of change needed to step up to the environmental plate.
Social and corporate change has been leading towards the need for more sustainable company processes, procedures and practices. Achieving Environmental ISO 14001 accreditation in May 2017, MC Labour Services has integrated values to make a bigger contribution to the world we live in and enhancing the company’s environmental performance.
ISO 14001:2015 is intended for use by an organisation seeking to manage its environmental responsibilities in a systematic manner that contributes to the environmental pillar of sustainability with the following projected outcomes:
enhancement of environmental performance;
fulfilment of compliance obligations;
achievement of environmental objectives.
The office landscape has adjusted towards environmental attention.
- A spill kit made available in the warehouse
- Accessible recycling bins distributed through the office.
But the process is much deeper than that, with supplier’s environmental procedures also evaluated
- The disposal of hazardous materials by the company where fleet vehicles are serviced.
- What the recycling company does with the office waste paper.
- Company coffee machine grounds used as fertilisers around the building.
Environmental consideration is now written into MC Labour Services purchasing policy, staff training undertaken and extensive communication ensuring all aspects of the MC Labour Services business, and the people involved in it, uphold all company values.
MC Labour Services worked hard to obtain the Environmental ISO 14001 accreditation and continues to go above and beyond to maintain this standard. Continuous evaluation, continuous improvement – Service, People, Sustainability.
Our Success is in our People. MC Labour – MC Security – MC Traffic Management.