Preparing For Your Online Interview
For the last few months, we have been conducting all of our interviews online. It has been an unusual change for us all, and we know there are some people who find this change daunting, so we have compiled some tips and tricks for how to rock up to your FaceTime, Zoom, or Google Hangouts interview feeling prepared and confident.
Organise your technology
Prior to your interview, reception will contact you to confirm what form of technology you have access to. This will dictate what platform the interview will be conducted on.
Phone/tablet: If your interview is being conducted over the phone, it’s important to make sure your notifications have been turned off and your phone is set to ‘do not disturb’. This way there won’t be pesky notifications disrupting the interview process.
Laptop/PC: It’s important to make sure you do not have multiple tabs open when in the interview, including any notes. It’s very noticeable when your eyes are darting around the screen when you’re looking at multiple things at once.
Make sure you test out the sound quality of your device and ensure you have access to working internet to make sure the interview runs smoothly. It is also a good idea to trial the program before the interview if it’s your first time using it.
Organise your interview space
Make sure your background is tidy, has good lighting, and empty of any distractions. An online interview means you are able to sit in the comfort of your own home throughout the process. We understand that this means there are some distractions you cannot control; but where possible it is good to find a space free of the noise of traffic, children playing, or the dog barking. Natural lighting is usually best for online interviews, but make sure you are not lit in a way that causes dark shadows to hide half of your face. It’s also good to keep on hand a notepad, pen, and glass of water.
Remove distractions
While this may be a digital interview, it doesn’t mean it won’t be obvious if you have Facebook running in the background, or are catching up on some TV time behind the screen. If your interview is not being conducted over the phone, then remove your phone from in front of you. Phones are an easy distraction, and even in silent mode, your notifications may appear on the screen. Try and refrain from fiddling where possible. Extra movement is noticeable and distracting for your interviewer. It may be beneficial for you to temporarily log out of your social media, message, and email applications before your interview.
Positive and engaged body language
It may be unusual to be interviewed online, but it is still important to maintain engaged body language. This means maintaining eye contact and not slouching in your seat. Nonverbal cues are very important in an interview body language communicates 90% of what someone is feeling, doing, or saying. Looking directly in the camera is important; looking off to the side will seem as though your distracted or relying on notes.
Know your key points
Before your interview, consider your skill set and experience and why that makes you unique. It may be good to make a list of the main points that you want to make and memorise them before your interview. It doesn’t look great to rely on notes so avoid bringing them to your interview, knowing what you want to say is a very effective way to prepare.
Be confident
Remember you have something to offer, and that is why you are being interviewed in the first place. Being prepared, relaxed and organised can seriously improve your confidence, and will make the entire interview process much easier, and help you do your best
If you have any questions about our interview process, give our national 24/7 operations line a call on 1300 10 12 14.
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